Catholic Faith

At Northside Catholic Academy, we seek to share all that is good and beautiful and true with our students. We strive to help them grow in their knowledge of the Catholic faith, develop their relationship with Jesus Christ, and participate in the life of the church. 


As a Catholic school, Christian faith is the foundation of all that we do. The faith of our students is formed through academic study, prayer and liturgy, modeling by our teachers, and the witness of our school community:


  • Our students learn about the liturgy, the teachings of the Catholic Church and the Scriptures  through study and celebration. The liturgical seasons and particular feast days are a time of reflection and celebration at NCA, enhancing our children’s spiritual experience. Students also engage in sacramental preparation (reconciliation, first communion in 2nd grade and confirmation in 8th grade and receive these sacraments with their school community.
  • Children at NCA begin and end each day with community prayer and the whole school gathers for weekly liturgies in the church. These are opportunities for the children to reflect and pray, as well as participate through reading and singing. Non-Catholics are able to participate and receive a blessing during the Eucharist.
  • Teachers at NCA have a special calling to Catholic education. Our teachers are important models of Christian living, demonstrating faith, service, compassion, and justice in their ministry to our children.
  • NCA is an extraordinary community. We draw students from four neighboring parishes, tapping into the richness of our neighborhood. Our children learn to care for one another and their community  as they witness their parents and teachers embodying Christian values. 


The NCA experience is founded on the teaching of the Catholic Church and incorporates Catholic social teaching into its culture and its classrooms. This year, the school community is focusing on one of the themes of Catholic social teaching each month. We desire to form our students and the school community into a human and Christian view of life and society as we are called to become “the salt of the earth, the light of the world.”


Click here to learn more about our four parishes.